We Expertly Guide Your Pre-Sale or Pre-Lease Renovation

In A Market-Centered Way to Maximize Your Return On investment.

Renovations can be a sensitive undertaking in that most design decisions can impact the functionality of a space and satisfy or dissatisfy the personal tastes of today’s discerning buyers and tenants. Without this market-forward lens, many renovations tend to take on the personal preferences and tastes of owners and landlords, who may be exiting or not using the space they are renting.  We help owners and landlords avoid the pitfalls of personalized renovation. Additionally, we keep our clients from making costly mistakes whereby they focus on work that buyers and tenants underappreciate or don’t monetarily value altogether. The other side of that is that we work with clients as partners to focus on buyer and tenant priorities, from a market lens, to maximize ROI with our target being a 3X return on every dollar invested.  

Design +

We provide expert design services for our client’s home and light commercial renovation projects that appeal to today’s modern buyers and tenant preferences. We also specialize in owner-occupant customization for your business’ needs. Let the Modernest Realty team provide you with turnkey project services through our own partners and internal design team or we can work with your GC and architect for larger-scale projects focused on interiors consultation and market perspective to maximize your return on investment.

Turnkey From Start to Finish

Once we are engaged by a client on a project and lock arms with regard to design and vendor approvals, we hit the ground running. We deliver to completion on average on a three-to-four-week turnaround time on most projects of moderate scope. Clients are not required to be present at all as our team expertly manages the design and renovation so the client does not have to. We act as project managers and true fiduciaries continuing to represent your best financial interests in a way that a typical GC-only would not. We manage each of our partners with the bottom-line, more money in your pocket, accordingly, delivering tangible value at each step along the listing journey.